Discover companies looking to buy before they go to RFP
Unlock a universe of over 500,000 B2B enterprises to understand exactly what they are interested in purchasing with our industry leading and privacy-compliant market intent data.

Proven results
Mauro successfully generated leads for a managed services provider, leading to significant sales within a matter of weeks. The sales teams were delighted with the outcomes, and executives were impressed by the Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) over $70 million.
Mauro provided expertise and accuracy for a global takeout campaign conducted by a major fintech provider. Through strategic identification of the competitor's customers in specific regions, and further refining results based on revenue, employee size, and industry, Mauro delivered a precise list of targets. The campaign generated an impressive ROI of over 20X for our client.
A telecommunications company with a global presence collaborated with Mauro to develop a campaign centered around the concerns and interests expressed by customers and prospective clients. Strategically tailored messages, specific to products and geographical locations, led to an increase in open email rates by a remarkable 175%.
A leading global cloud provider not only achieved a surge in immediate sales, but also successfully filled the sales pipeline for the entire year with an amazing 300% increase in potential buyers. Mauro’s intent data included specific timeframes, enabling the sales team to connect with genuinely interested parties through well-timed and precisely targeted sales campaigns.
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